Abu dhabi Tours
          Dubai Tours
          Sharjah Tours
          Desert Safari
          Dhow Cruise
          Wild Wadi
          Deep Fishing
          Shooting Club
          Crab Hunting
          Dream Land


DEEP FISHING (6 hours)

Fishing in the deeper ocean.  Our boat will be equipped with special equipment for tracking shoals.  This is your chance to catch exorbitant quantities of fish.  Or course, the fishing trip would not be completed without picnics feasting on the fish that you’ve caught, grilled.

The sea has always provided a valuable source of food for the people of the Emirates. Fish traps could be of the fixed, hadra type by which fish were guided along a stake-fence and finally into a small enclosure where they were harvested at low-tide; or else small moveable garghour traps woven from palm fronds, weighted down by stones, and baited to entice fish to enter through a narrow hole. In addition to fish, turtles and dugongs also provided valuable protein. The latter were caught by stalking them through the shallows, generally from a canoe, and eventually diving in after them and literally grappling with them. Turtle eggs were collected from well known nesting beaches and most parts of the animal were utilised.

Just imagine gliding across the water as the sun breaks the horizon pelicans in formation flying parallel to the boat just inches above the water. As we begin to move further away from the beach a lot of surface activity is present with fish often rolling on the surface feeding on smaller baitfish. At times this feeding becomes a white froth that can be seen a half mile away. After a short ride the captain slows the boat, and prepares the anglers with some last minute instructions on what we can expect to catch. Everyone's lines are baited, and now the real fun begins.

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